InterAction CRM
Install, upgrade, configure, report, integrate, customise
Install, upgrade, configure, report, integrate, customise
Website development is ASP .Net and MVC, HTML 5 with CSS3.
(that's what this site is developed in.)
Build apps for the Chrome web store
Report specification, design and development
Create that killer android application
Set your data free, extract, transform, load and integrate
Actions for Gmail™ was developed for rightfile.com.au.
The problem that Actions for Gmail™ solves is that using Gmail™ is in-efficient. There are no inline actions in Gmail™, and every action requires 2 or 3 clicks. The project was to build a chrome extension that provided in-line actions in Gmail™.
Technically the solution was to build a chrome extension. To achieve this the extension interrogates the "Document Ojbect Model"(dom) of the Gmail™ web site and injects custom HTML code into the page. The extension uses jQuery to search the dom and find certain elements in the page. The extension then injects HTML into the page to draw in-line buttons on the screen. When the buttons are clicked, the code simulates user button clicks to perform the action requested.
Actions for Gmail™ currently supports in-line actions for:
It currently has over 3500 users.
Custom surf wax is a website where users can customise the design for their own branded surf board wax.
This was an existing website that had been developed by some other less scrupulous developers. The site was written in Asp .Net. The main wax design component of the website is a flash application and the site runs on a small SQL Server back end.
HomeDev was contracted to fix the website and extend some functionality. HomeDev